Season of Gratitude

As we look forward to the upcoming holiday season, we want to take a moment and share somethings we are especially grateful for this past month. 

In Djibouti, our sewing and jewelry-making students were invited to a bazaar on the French military base. It was quite successful, with over $1,000 in sales. The women sold hand-roasted coffee, handmade jewelry from rolled paper beads, hand sewn shopping bags and more. All of the money raised at the sale goes directly to the women who made the items. L.I.F.E. receives no over-head costs because our program is run on the support of donations from faithful friends and partnering organizations. Many of these women come from very poor homes and every little bit of money they receive goes to help their families. We continue to be encouraged by the process of the women in the sewing classes as they progress through the three levels.

Another focus area of ours is athletics. Our GirlsRun2 program has continued to meet 5-6 days a week and the girls (nearly 40!) are staying in school. The boys soccer program is also thriving, with over 30 boys participating. They had with two recent wins against other local clubs. One game they won 8-2! We are grateful for our coaches who go beyond the sport and continue to share valuable life lessons and mentorship to the participants. 

On a more practical note, we were able to distribute 700 blankets, 1000 school kits, and a ton of food to local organizations and those in need in our community. Additionally, we gave out clothing and sandals to vulnerable individuals. Each one of these blankets, school kits, food supplies, etc, aids not only an individual, but also their family. Even though school is technically “free” there are still many other costs that make it very difficult for the average family here to support their children in their education. Uniforms, school fees, books, and supplies are all necessary costs. School kits help alleviate one of these needs so a family’s resources can go towards other needs. Blankets help prevent some sicknesses, which also helps children stay in school. 

Through all of our programs, our vision remains the same—to come alongside families and communities and empower them to reach their full potential in culturally relevant ways. As referenced in our name, Local Initiatives for Education, we see that education is a powerful tool for community transformation. Through your partnership with us, we are able to continue our programs and ensure hundreds of children are staying in school and young women are continuing on with their education in handicrafts and business ventures.